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  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲496 Hey. Um, I hope it's okay. Carlos let me in. 嘿,嗯,我希望没有打扰你,Carlos让我进来的。 Actually, I'm right in the middle of something, and I don't know when I'll be done. 实际上,我正在做一些事,情而我不知道什么
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲497 Andrew? Would you mind turning off your video game? Andrew?介意关掉你的游戏机吗? My lawyer would like to have a little chat with you. 我的律师想要见你。 So even though your mother did witness George Williams' suicide, 即使Wil
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲498 Hey, neighbor. 嗨,邻居。 Oh, hey, Carlos. Hi. 哦,嗨,Carlos。嗨! I just wanted to thank you for patching things up with Gaby. 我是来谢谢你平息了跟Gaby之间的事。 Well, sure, no problem. 哦,应该的。 It's been really
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲499 Hi. 嗨! Hi. Well, my dad found out about us bowling. 嗨,我父亲发现我们去打过保龄。 Im not going to be able to do that anytime soon. 我最近不能再去了。 Oh, sorry. 哦,抱歉。 No, no I'm glad that we did. I havent felt l
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲500 Jim did everything he could to get Susan Mayer to laugh. He tried racial humor. Jim竭尽所能想博得佳人一笑。他尝试了种族笑话。 So guess what time Chinese people go to the dentist? Two thirty! Get it? Tooth hurty. 猜猜中国人什么
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲501 The annual blood drive was a tradition on Wisteria Lane. 年度献血活动是紫藤街的传统。 Most residents came to help promote health and well-being. 大多数人来这里,为健康和善行贡献自己的力量。 But my friends turned up
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲502 Hi, Bree. 嗨,Bree。 Oh, hi. 噢,嗨。 I just wanted to thank you for your adviseon my azaleas. They are just thriving. 我来谢谢你给我的杜鹃花提的建议。它们长得好极了。 Oh. It was no trouble at all. 哦,这没什么的。
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲503 That Dr. Ron called. He needs to see you for a follow-up appointment. 那个Ron医生来电话了。他需要为你做个跟踪检查。 He needs to see me, or he wants to see me? 他是需要还是想要? Geez, Mom, how cute is this guy? 行了,妈,
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲504 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 绝望的主妇 《绝望的主妇》精讲 正文 《绝望的主妇》第282期:娇气的老公 时间:2015-03-21 06:50:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:spring ? 可可英语APP下载 | 可可官方
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲505 Hey, guys. 嘿, 你们好。 Hi, Lynette. 你好, Lynette。 Hi, Carlos. 你好, Carlos。 All right, a reuben? How sweet is that? Lunch brought right to the golf course. 好了! 馅饼? 多周送午餐到高尔夫球场来。 I hear you got some pre
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲506 Detective Barton:Bree. I have to say, I was very pleased to get your call. I mean. 你...Bree, 呃,我想说, 我, 呃,非常高兴接到你的电话。 I am surprised you want to have anything todo with me, given our recent history. 我是说, 我
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲507 Well, blood pressure looks fine. You are free to go, Mrs. Mayer. 好了, 你的血压正常。你可以走了, mayer太太。 You mean I am not gonna see Dr. Ron? 你是说, 我不会去见Ron医生了? Oh, I do the follow-up exams. Dr. Ron only come
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲508 What do you think you are doing? 除了这个帐单。你到底要干什么? I followed you to make sure you were okay. You were weaving. 我跟着你看看你是不是一切都好。你驾车不太稳的样子。 Please step out of the car. 请下车。
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲509 This should take about forty-five minutes. 这需要45分钟的时间。 Now I know it's really cramped and uncomfortable in there, but try not to move. 我知道里面很挤也很不舒服,但试着尽量不要移动。 Susan, I realize that this
  • 《绝望的主妇》精讲510 Hey, honey, good news. I checked on Penny, and she didn't scream. 嘿,亲爱的,好消息。我去看Penny,她居然没有尖叫。 I think she's getting used to the mask. 可能她已经习惯我这个面具了。 I don't want you to have opti