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 《打工姐妹花第二季》设定地点是在纽约市布鲁克林区,讲述两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(Kat Dennings饰)生在穷人家庭,而Caroline(Beth Behrs饰)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚钱。两人商量着筹集25万美元资金来共同开创新事业。本栏目包含音频MP3文件以及中英文本,是学习美剧中的经典英语表达,提高英语听说水平的好帮手。

  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第168期:抵达住处(2) Well, I guess you guys are the couple, so I'll sleep on the couch. 好吧,你们才是一对,我去睡沙发吧。 I can sleep anywhere. First two years of my life, my bed was a pile of unopened mail. 我睡哪都行的。我刚出生那两年,就
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第169期:蒸桑拿 So this is a fancy sauna? Not impressed. 这就是传输中的桑拿房啊?真不咋地。 People pay for the privilege of sitting in decades of ass sweat? 居然有人愿意花钱来坐在别人留下的无数屁股汗上? How come your towel's
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第170期:和男同共蒸桑拿 Oh, hi. Hey, girls. You mind if we join you? 好啊。姑娘们好。不介意我们一起蒸吧? You guys are gay bears, right? Max! 你们俩是基熊男,对吧?麦克斯! It's cool. My prom date is big in the bear scene now, 没事的。我当
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第171期:只够两个人的晚餐 There you go, your dinner for two. 这是你们的二人晚餐。 Two soups, two salads, two entrees, two desserts. I hope you three enjoy. 两份汤,两份沙拉,两份主菜,两份甜点。希望你们三个能吃得愉快。 Maybe could we o
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第172期:想要争取二人世界 Yes, I'd like to order anoth... Yes, I'll hold. 对,我想再点一份...好的,我等着。 I think the hold music is just Roger singing. 我觉得等待音乐是罗杰在唱歌。 Okay, hang up the phone. Go sit and eat. Come on. Hurry before M
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第173期:气氛紧张 I need my book. I'm gonna take a bath instead. That tub is so amazing. 我要拿上书,我要泡个澡。浴缸太棒了。 I'm just gonna soak in it and blissfully forget all my problems. 我要在泡在里面,幸福到忘掉我所有的难题。
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第174期:分歧出现 Andy, I'm sorry about your birthday. 安迪,抱歉忘了你的生日。 It just went out of my head. I feel bad. 我脑子愣是没记住。我很内疚。 And I feel sick. Can you stop swinging the bed? 我很想吐。你能不能别晃这张床了?
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第175期:上床一起抱抱 This is so comfortable! 这真是太舒服了! You put a belt on this, you could wear it out. 系个腰带,都可以直接穿出门了。 Just don't try that at your in-laws' house with a matching turban. 千万不要在你亲家的房子这么穿,
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第176期:提出分手 Oh, good. You're alive. 太好了,你还活着。 When I heard you left and walked through the woods, I wondered, was there anal probing? 当我听说你离开,独自穿过树林时,我心想,会不会被抓去肛门探测。 By an alien, not
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第177期:蛋糕店里的嬉皮士 Can I get another refill? 我能再续一杯吗? Yes. Can I get an explanation of why you're wearing overalls when there are no goats around? 行。那我能知道为什么这附近没有牲畜,你却穿着那乡下工装裤吗? Oh, wait... Now
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第178期:蛋糕店里的嬉皮士 Hey, there's Andy. 是安迪呢。 I don't want him to see me. 我不想他看到我。 Did you just openly wave to my ex-boyfriend? 你就这么大喇喇地跟我前男友打招呼吗? Yeah, I always wave at him. 对啊,我每次都会打招呼。
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第179期:公共场合脱裤子 Well, are you thinking what I'm thinking? 你也在想我想着的事吗? Since we broke up, he got fat. 我跟他分手后,他变胖了。 It's only been four days. 你们才分手四天好吗。 Wynonna Judd gets fat in an hour. 薇诺娜贾德一
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第180期:困倦姐妹花 And I'll have the BLT with the french fries. 来一份培根生菜三明治加薯条。 Miss? I think our waitress is asleep. 小姐?我们的服务员好像睡着了。 Yeah, she's tired. We haven't slept a lot lately. 是啊,她很累,我们最
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第181期:装病翘班 Hi, everybody. Sophie's here! 各位乡亲。苏菲驾到啦! And look at my new coat. It's double-breasted. 瞧我的新狐皮大衣。是双巨乳呢。 Pretty nice, huh? It was a gift from me. 很不错吧?是我送的礼物呢。 It's the onl
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第182期:算数达人 Whoa, those are some big-ass coffees! 哇靠,这杯咖啡大得吓人啊! Yep, 64-ouncers. They told me they're bigger than the human stomach. 没错,1.9升杯呢。他们说这杯容量比人体的胃还大。 And the coffee's already working,