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  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普下令从叙利亚撤军 According to a report by Reuters, on Wednesday, US President Donald Trump overrode top national security aides, 据路透社报道,特朗普总统于周三下达了一项从叙利亚撤军的指令,这次他凌驾于国家安全事务助理之上,
  • 英语新闻听写 恶劣天气迫使SpaceX推迟发射 According to Geek.com, SpaceX was forced to postpone its first U.S. national security space mission due to bad weather. 据Geek.com报道,由于天气恶劣,SpaceX被迫推迟它的首次美国国家安全太空任务。 SpaceX announced the dela
  • 英语新闻听写 特斯拉前高管跳槽至爱彼迎 Dan Kim, a former Tesla senior director of global sales, marketing, and delivery has left the company to work for Airbnb. 特斯拉全球销售、营销和交付业务的前高级主管金丹离开了该公司,跳槽至爱彼迎。 Business Insider
  • 英语新闻听写 普京支持特朗普从叙利亚撤军决定 According to a report by Business Insider, on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin applauded President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw roughly 2,000 US troops from Syria. 据商业内幕网周四报道,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京对
  • 英语新闻听写 葛兰素史克与辉瑞合并 Reuters reports GlaxoSmithKline plans to split into two businesses one for prescription drugs and vaccines, the other for over-the-counter products. 据路透社报道,葛兰素史克公司计划分拆为两家公司一个专注处方药和疫苗业务
  • 英语新闻听写 美国停止空袭叙利亚境内的伊斯兰国 According to Reuters, US officials said that the United States will end its air campaign against Islamic State in Syria when it pulls out troops. 据路透社报道,美国官员称,美国从叙利亚撤军后,将停止对叙利亚境内伊斯兰国
  • 英语新闻听写 耐克季度业绩超出华尔街预期 Footware giant Nike released their quarterly results and beat Wall Street estimates. 鞋类巨头耐克公布了他们的季度业绩,超出华尔街的预期。 Reuters report that the results were boosted by strength in North America where new la
  • 英语新闻听写 脸书被曝与多家企业分享用户信息 Business Insider reports Documents obtained by The New York Times show that Facebook had undisclosed deals with about 150 companies, including Amazon, giving them privileged access to user data. 据Business Insider报道,《纽约时报》获得的文
  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普认为现在是购买股票的绝佳时机 According to Business Insider, President Donald Trump said that the current stock-market environment offers a tremendous opportunity to buy. 据商业内幕网报道,特朗普总统称,现在的股市环境给人们提供了一个绝佳的购买股
  • 英语新闻听写 无人机的应用前景十分广阔 According to Business Insider, drones are no longer just a novelty, only used by companies in a handful of industries. 据Business Insider报道,无人机不再是仅供少数几个行业的企业使用的新奇事物。 Now, businesses across vari
  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普在军队加薪问题上误导公众 According to CNN, President Donald Trump incorrectly told troops in Iraq on Wednesday that he gave them their first pay raise in more than 10 years, a falsehood he has repeatedly told. 据美国有线电视新闻网络报道,特朗普总统周三告诉
  • 英语新闻听写 为什么肯德基在中国最受欢迎? According to Business Insider, KFC is the most popular fast-food chain in China, making nearly $5 billion in 2017. 据Business Insider报道,肯德基是中国最受欢迎的快餐连锁店,2017年的收入将近50亿美元。 Reports say it has
  • 英语新闻听写 民调显示多数人将政府关门归咎于特朗普 According to a new a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday, more Americans blame President Donald Trump than the Democratic party for the ongoing partial government shutdown. 根据周四发布的一项新的路透社和益普索的民调,对于现
  • 英语新闻听写 SpaceX首次执行美国安全太空任务 SpaceX on Sunday launched a rocket carrying a U.S. military navigation satellite from Florida's Cape Canaveral. 周日,SpaceX在佛罗里达卡纳维拉尔角发射了一枚载有美国军用导航卫星的火箭。 Reuters reports the launch marks
  • 英语新闻听写 18年美国人设的最糟密码排行榜 Digital Trends reports despite multiple corporate data breaches over the past year, people are still pretty terrible when it comes to their online security. 据Digital Trends报道,尽管过去一年的里出现了多起企业数据泄露事件,但