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  • 英语新闻听写 MacBook Air 还是 Pro Business Insider recently compiled a list of reasons why Apple fans looking for a new laptop should purchase the 2018 MacBook Air versus the MacBook Pro. 近期《商业内幕》在一份名单中列出了为什么想买新电脑的果粉们应该购买
  • 英语新闻听写 国防部长马蒂斯告诉军队要对国家保持信心 Reuters reports that defense secretary Jim Mattis gave a farewell speech to the US Armed Forces on Monday, 据路透社报道,国防部长吉姆马蒂斯周一向美国军队发表了告别演说, telling them to keep the faith in our country and
  • 英语新闻听写 中美贸易战对经济发展不利 According to Reuters, trade tension and tariffs between the US and China resulted in billions of dollars being lost over 2018. 据路透社报道,中美两国之间的贸易紧张和关税导致它们在2018年损失了数十亿美元。 The indust
  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普第41次上福克斯新闻的节目 CNN reports president Donald Trump opened the New Year with his friends at Fox News by chatting with one of his most loyal supporters on Fox, Pete Hagseth. 据美国有线电视新闻网络(CNN)报道,唐纳德特朗普与朋友们在福克斯新
  • 英语新闻听写 打趴星巴克!瑞幸咖啡有底气 China is Starbucks' second largest market after the United States, but Luckin Coffee wants to change that. 对于星巴克来说,中国是仅次于美国的第二大市场,而瑞幸咖啡想要改变这一现状。 According to CNN, after barely
  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普发推特祝所有人新年快乐 On Tuesday President Trump sent out a New Year's tweet wishing a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE, INCLUDING THE HATERS AND THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA! 周二,特朗普总统在推特上发布了一条新年祝福,他在推特中写道,祝所有人新年快乐
  • 英语新闻听写 Fitbit健身产品在亚马逊上促销 According to Digital Trends, Fitbit is considered one of the best fitness trackers. 据Digital Trends报道,Fitbit被视为是最好的健身追踪器之一。 To help fitness enthusiasts keep up with their New Year's resolution to get fit, Amazon
  • 英语新闻听写 每天一个鸡蛋 是利是弊 It seems like the debate on whether eggs are good for you or bad for you is neverending, 似乎关于鸡蛋对身体是利是弊的争论永无休止, but a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland is definitely pro-e
  • 英语新闻听写 伊万卡夫妇财富不断涌入 Long before they became names in the White House, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have been a high-profile couple. 早在特朗普成为总统之前,贾里德库什纳和伊万卡特朗普就已经是一对备受瞩目的夫妇。 Business Insider r
  • 英语新闻听写 国内学校监控学生的智能校服 According to Business Insider, some schools in China are having students wear smart uniform that contain GPS trackers. 据Business Insider报道,中国的一些学校正在让学生穿内含GPS追踪器的智能制服。 These trackers are being us
  • 英语新闻听写 美国国会这周发生了什么? According to Reuters.com, U.S. Congress was set to reconvene on Wednesday with no sign of a workable plan to end a 12-day-old partial federal government shutdown 据路透社报道,美国国会将于周三再次召开会议,现在还没有迹象表
  • 英语新闻听写 特斯拉在上海建造超级工厂 Elon Musk kicked off the construction of Tesla's new $2 billion Gigafactory in China on Monday. 周一,伊隆马斯克在中国开工建造造价20亿美元的特斯拉新超级工厂。 He says it will be ready this summer. 他表示它在今年夏天
  • 英语新闻听写 韩国将建乐高主题乐园 Reuters reports Madame Tussauds' owner Merlin Entertainments has entered into a partnership agreement to build a Legoland Park in South Korea. 《路透社》报道称杜莎夫人蜡像馆的所属公司默林娱乐签订了一份合作协议要在韩国
  • 英语新闻听写 白宫推迟给政府高官加薪 According to Business Insider, the White House has directed the Office of Personnel Management to hold off on giving top Trump administration officials pay raises they were slated to get. 据商业内幕网报道,白宫已指示人事管理办公室推
  • 英语新闻听写 亚马逊超微软成为最有价值公司 According to CNN, Amazon on Monday surpassed Microsoft to become the most valuable company in the world. 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,周一,亚马逊赶超微软成为世界上最有价值的公司。 Amazon's stock rallied another 1% Tu