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  • 英语新闻听写 每周运动多长时间才健康 According to UPI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doubled its weekly exercise recommendation for Americans. 合众国际社(UPI)消息称疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)建议美国人每周锻炼时间加倍。 Now, the CDC ad
  • 英语新闻听写 迪士尼将推出流媒体服务 Disney has finally announced the name of its streaming service. 迪士尼终于公布了其流媒体服务的名字。 Comicbook.com reports that the service will be called Disney+, similar to the company's premium sports streaming service, ESPN+. 据
  • 英语新闻听写 大多数人利用YouTube学东西 Digital Trends reports that while cat videos and music content are still wildly popular on YouTube, a recent study has revealed that the vast majority of YouTube users seek out how-to videos on the site, among other content. 据Digital Trends报道,虽
  • 英语新闻听写 优步和Lyft禁止司机录制乘客视频 According to Business Insider, Both Uber and Lyft have confirmed that they do not allow drivers to stream or publish videos of passengers. 据Business Insider报道,优步和来福车都已确认,他们不允许司机直播或发布乘客的视频。
  • 英语新闻听写 SpaceX成功发射卡塔尔通信卫星 According to Business Insider, SpaceX launched a satellite into space on-board a Falcon 9 rocket. 据Business Insider报道,SpaceX将搭载在猎鹰9号火箭上的一颗卫星发射升空。 The communications satellite is owned by Qatar. 这颗通信
  • 英语新闻听写 Brexit致使超级富豪逃离英国 Business Insider reports that the mega-wealthy are exiting the UK and moving to Australia and the US. 据Business Insider报道,超级富豪正在离开英国,移民至澳大利亚和美国。 According to an analysis by New World Wealth, last ye
  • 英语新闻听写 川普对华贸易战使美大豆种植者遭殃 According to Business Insider, US soybean farmers are bearing the brunt of Trump's trade war with China. 据Business Insider报道,川普对华贸易战让美国种植大豆的农民首当其冲受到了影响。 China, the world's largest soybean
  • 英语新闻听写 为什么会做噩梦 Everyone has nightmares, but what exactly causes them? 每个人都会做噩梦,但噩梦到底是什么引起的? The Huffington Post recently reported on reasons why someone might be having nightmares. 《赫芬顿邮报》近期报道了做噩梦
  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普欲阻止药品上涨趋势 According to Gizmodo.com, Earlier this July, 据美国知名科技博客Gizmodo报道:今年七月早些时候, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced price jumps for many of its brand name drugs, 美国的辉瑞制药公司宣布大幅上调其
  • 英语新闻听写 iPhone 5已成为苹果公司的古董 Apple has added the iPhone 5 to its list of vintage and obsolete products in the US. iPhone 5被苹果公司列入美国地区过时和停产列表。 The change signifies that Apple will no longer repair the hardware for the iPhone 5. 这一变化表明
  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普与大法官在司法问题上发生冲突 According to Reuters, U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts defended the independence of the federal judiciary, 据路透社报道,美国首席大法官约翰罗伯茨捍卫了联邦司法机关的独立性。 a day after President Donald Trump called a
  • 英语新闻听写 亡者的聊天机器人了解一下 Chatbots of dead people are now a reality. 亡者的聊天机器人现在已成为现实。 According to Business Insider, tech firm Eternime is beta testing an app that will allow users to create a digital avatar of themselves after they die. 据Bus
  • 英语新闻听写 脸书准备迎战特朗普? Business Insider reports that Facebook has hired one of the top antitrust lawyers in Silicon Valley. 《商业内幕》报道称脸书聘请了硅谷顶级反垄断律师之一。 It is a sign that the company could be preparing for war with Donald T
  • 英语新闻听写 对求职面试有帮助的一些技巧 Nervous for an upcoming job interview? 对即将到来的求职面试感到紧张吗? Business Insider recently listed a few psychological tricks that will help ease you through the nerves. Business Insider最近列出了一些有助于缓解紧张情
  • 英语新闻听写 防沉迷!脸书推出时间管理工具 Do you know how much time you spend scrolling through your Facebook feed? 你知道你花了多少时间刷脸书吗? Well, now Facebook is introducing a new feature that tells users when they've spent too much time using the social network. 这个嘛