Get struck by him,he's gonna inject you with his mix of hemotoxic and neurotoxic venom. 一旦被它咬了 你就被注入一种混合了 血毒素和神经毒素的毒液 You get hit, you probably got half a day before you're brown-bread dead. 若是被
You always have to prepare for the unexpected in the wild, 在野外你必须对突发事件有所准备 But survival is about turning whatever confronts you to your advantage. 但生存就是充分利用 你遇到的东西 All those frogs up here.Mi
I am deep in a jungle in southern China. 我现在在中国南部的丛林中 Night setting in,and I want to make a camp and cook the bed a quarter ealier. 夜晚将至 我先前想搭个帐篷 做个床 First, I want to bulid a bamboo hammock to kee
My boys would love it,if this collapsed,but I've got absulote faith. 如果我掉下去 昆虫兄弟们一定喜欢 但是我有信心 Cool.Well, it's not roomy,but at least I'm off the ground. 爽 虽然不太舒服 但至少不用睡在地上了 An
This would be a good place here to set,Set a trap you know. 在这里设 设陷阱很好的 There's a natural funnel between the rock and between the tree. 这里是天然漏斗 一边有石头一边有树 This would make a good killing zone.I'm gonn
Okay, get these bats on here. 好了 拿起这里的蝙蝠 I reckon with these, I'll just gut it by pulling its head off, really. 掂量了下 我要扯掉 它的脑袋取出内脏 真得这样 And scared on this.On this bit of bamboo.This's one. 把它
I spent a soaking night in the chinese jungle. 我在中国丛林中度过了湿漉漉的一夜 The rain has eased for a moment, 雨势变弱一阵子了 and I'm checking the traps to see if they've caught anything. 而我要检查下有没有捕到什
I'm gonna take the straw with me. 我要带着这根竹管 The ancient forest where I made camp quickly changes to unrelenting, thick secondary jungle,and it becomes impassable. 我露营过的古老丛林 很快变成了密实厚重的次级丛林 而
After that climb,it is a good opportunity for a quick fire and cook up my rat. 爬上来后 就有机会生火 烤老鼠吃 Normally,you'd skinned guts right out of this. 通常来讲 你可以像这样扒掉鼠皮掏出内脏 But the problem of doin
I've made my way to the top of the redge in the mountains of southen China. 我已经到了山脊线顶部了 就在中国南部山区 What a view!I'll follow the stream down. 景色真美 我打算沿河而下 Look! A fresh water crab. 快看 淡水螃
This is such chanllging terrain here. 这里的地势充满挑战 sudden drop-offs are often concealed by the dense secondary jungle 陡峭的断崖常被茂密的次生林遮掩 Steady here. The sheer drops all the way down the river. 站稳了 这是
I'm Bear Grylls.I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth 我是贝尔格里尔斯 我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地带 逃出生天 I've got to make it through weak and chal
Only just got out of that in time. 千钧一发之际 我逃了出来 Got the matter of fact to the water under some little wind, 事实上 当水面的风很小时 those literally just like a pane of glass. 简直更像是块玻璃 What I mean you c
We're at the bottom.Here something is definitely warmer.Let's get go. 我们已经到山脚了 这里明显的比较暖和 继续前进 You can walk here for days and see no evidence of civilization. 你即便在这徒步几天也未必能碰到人烟
To make the rungs, use green and bendy branches. 要用新长的柔软的树枝做横木 Dry wood is too brittle and will snap under my weight. 枯木太脆 承不起我的重量 And I'll just put a clove hitch in the end,very simply, like that. 在一