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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第17期:地下监狱 We may have figured out who's doing this. 我们可能查到是谁干的了 Who is we? 我们都有谁 Sarah, you're safe in this house, okay? 莎拉 你在这里是安全的 A-and in three weeks, you and I can both get outta here. 再过三周 我和你
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第20期:假装正常人 What are you doing? 你干什么 What just happened? 怎么回事 Why'd the lights go out? 灯为什么灭了 Have you guys lost your minds? 你们都疯了吗 Mona, you followed us here again? 梦娜 你又跟踪我们吗 Why did you turn the lights
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第6集 第21期:失踪那晚 You're telling me that Lesli never even-- 你还说莱斯利甚至从没... I asked her myself. 我亲自问的她 She'd only heard Charles' name once. 她只听到过查尔斯的名字一次 The night that Bethany snuck out of Radley and never came
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第1期:宠物狗的芯片 I wished Sara was dead before she disappeared. 在莎拉消失之前 我就希望她能死掉 Maybe you could sell me something 希望你能卖给我一些东西 that would help calm my nerves. 让我能镇静下来 Yeah. What? 好啊 你要什么 Po
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第3期:不记得怎么读书 I was just about to leave. 我本来都要走了 Y-you were looking for me? 你 你要找我吗 And Sara. 还有莎拉 I-I went by her mom's a few times 我已经去过她妈妈家里好几次了 but she wouldn't tell me where she was. 但是她不肯告
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第4期:互相隐瞒 Hey, you're back. 你回来啦 I was actually just leaving. 我正要出门 Oh, oh. Change your plans. - I can't. 那就重新安排一下 -不行 Wait. What's going on? Is your mom home? 等等 怎么了 你妈妈在家吗 No. No, she's still in Phi
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第5期:失去理智 I'll call you later. - Bye. 晚点打给你 -再见 You promised she'd be here. - That's what she told me. 你保证过她会来 -她是这么告诉我的 Call her again. Sorry, this doll's freaking me out. 再打给她 不好意思 这娃娃吓到我了
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第6期:气氛尴尬 Some guy who could have been Charles. 那人可能就是查尔斯 I wish that I did, but no, I didn't see anybody else. 我希望我看见了 但我没看见别人 What about at Radley? 那在拉德里呢 Someone you talked to stole the A game from y
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第7期:半梦半醒 H-how is therapy-- - Did we-- 心理治疗怎么样... -我们... Sorry. You go. 不好意思 你先说 No. You talk. 不 你说吧 If-if you want. 如果你想的话 Last night, uh, 昨晚 I'm not sure whether I dreamed somethin' or.. 我不确定我是
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第8期:奖学金 Well, just think about it. 考虑一下吧 We've got a lotta Reese Witherspoon movies 我们还有很多瑞茜威瑟斯彭的电影 to catch up on. 没看呢 I will. Thanks. 我会的 谢谢 Beloved. - What? 心爱的 -什么 That's what carissimi me
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第7集 第10期:能约会 Emily. 艾米丽 That was Claire. 刚才是克莱尔打来的 Her dad's gonna pick me up in a couple hours. 她爸爸过几个小时会来接我 What? Why? 什么 为什么 Because it's the right thing to do. 因为应该这么做 I've put you and yo