冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第632期:第二十九章 艾德(15)
I denounce him, and attaint him, and strip him of all rank and titles, of all lands and incomes and holdings, and do sentence him to death. 衔,收回其一切封地、赋税和房产,并明令处之以死刑。 May the gods take pity on his soul
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第633期:第二十九章 艾德(16)
How so, Lord Varys? Ned asked brusquely. 瓦里斯大人,此话怎讲?奈德唐突地问。 His leg was throbbing, and he was in no mood for word games. 他的断腿隐隐抽痛,此刻他没有心情玩文字游戏。 Had it been me up there, I
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第634期:第三十章 珊莎(1)
Sansa. He wouldnt send Sir Loras, Sansa told Jeyne Poole that night as they shared a cold supper by lamplight. 珊莎。他竟然不肯派洛拉斯爵士去,当晚她们一同就着油灯、吃冰冷的晚餐时,珊莎把这件事告诉珍妮普尔
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第635期:第三十章 珊莎(2)
That was when Lord Baelish had said, Oh, I dont know, Septa. 这时一旁的贝里席伯爵接口道:哎,修女,我也弄不明白, Some of her lord fathers decisions could do with a bit of questioning. 只觉得她父亲大人有些决策可以
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第636期:第三十章 珊莎(3)
Lord Beric is as much a hero as Sir Loras. Hes ever so brave and gallant. 要论谁是真英雄,贝里大人也不输洛拉斯爵士啊,你瞧他那英勇高贵的模样。 I suppose, Sansa said doubtfully. 也是啦。珊莎有些怀疑地说。
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第637期:第三十章 珊莎(4)
Only animals, though. Sansa was certain her prince had no part in murdering Jory and those other poor men; 不过他只喜欢杀动物。珊莎很确定她的王子与杀害乔里和其他可怜人无关, that had been his wicked uncle, the Kingsla
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第638期:第三十章 珊莎(5)
And later these two brothers came before him, freeriders from the Dornish Marches, and pledged their swords to the service of the king. 随后来了两个自由骑手,他们是一对来自多恩边疆的兄弟,想要宣誓投效国王 。 Father
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第639期:第三十章 珊莎(6)
Alyn carried the Stark banner. 埃林高举着史塔克家族的旗帜。 When she saw him rein in beside Lord Beric to exchange words, it made Sansa feel ever so proud. 当她看见他在贝里伯爵身边勒住马缰,与之交谈的时候,珊莎觉
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第640期:第三十章 珊莎(7)
Liar, Arya said. Her hand clenched the blood orange so hard that red juice squeeze between her fingers. 你这个骗子。艾莉亚说。她的手握紧血橙,红色的果汁从她指缝间汩汩流下。 Go ahead, call me all the names you want, S
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第641期:第三十章 珊莎(8)
When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. 这时她发现果汁已经渗进她的衬裙,于是再也无法遏制地啜泣起来。 She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw hersel
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第642期:第三十章 珊莎(9)
Here is the other one, the septa announced. 这是另一个。修女宣布。 My thanks, Septa Mordane. I would talk to my daughters alone, if you would be so kind. 茉丹修女,谢谢你。我想跟我女儿私下谈谈,可否请你让我们独处
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第643期:第三十章 珊莎(10)
Eddard Stark favored his daughters with a tired smile. 艾德史塔克对他两个女儿露出一丝疲惫的微笑。 At last we've found something you agree on. 你们总算有点共识了。 I didn't do anything wrong, Sansa pleaded with him. I do
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第644期:第三十章 珊莎(11)
She tried to smile bravely for him. 为了他的缘故,她试着勇敢地微笑。 I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Sir Florian. 我爱他,父亲,
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第645期:第三十章 珊莎(12)
These days, the sea is safer than the kingsroad. 最近走海路要比国王大道安全。 You will sail as soon as I can find a proper ship, with Septa Mordane and a complement of guards... 等我找到合适的船,你们就跟茉丹修女和部分
冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第646期:第三十一章 艾德(1)
Eddard. Pain is a gift from the gods, Lord Eddard, Grand Maester Pycelle told him. 艾德。艾德大人,痛觉是天上诸神的恩赐啊,派席尔大学士告诉他, It means the bone is knitting, the flesh healing itself. Be thankful. 这代表